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Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre


A list of instrument charges


University of Cambridge all Departments and other academic establishments

Instrument £ per hour
SEM FEI Verios 460 56
TEM FEI Tecnai G2 (T20) 80-200kv 58
TriM Scope II multiphoton (first 6 hours) 42
TriM Scope II multiphoton (after 6 hours continuous use) 25
Upright light sheet microscope (first 6 hours) 42
Upright light sheet microscope (after 6 hours continuous use) 25
Multiview light Sheet microscope (mSPIM) 30
Confocal microscope Leica SP8 (advanced & core) 30
Confocal microscope Zeiss LSM 900 30
Zeiss lattice light sheet 7 microscope (first 6 hours) 42
Zeiss lattice light sheet 7 microscope (after 6 hours continuous use) 25
Elyra 7 Super Resolution Microscope (SIM & SMLM) 42
Aberrior STED 35
Workstation 1 with Imaris 8 (Windows7, 32GB RAM) Free
Workstation 2 (Windows7, 32GB RAM) Free
Workstation 3 (Ubuntu 14.04, 32GB RAM) Free
Workstation 4 (Windows7, 32GB RAM) Free
Sample preparation - TEM  Charge
Sectioning of resin embedded samples  £50 per hour
TEM osmication and resin embedding £400*
Sample preparation - SEM  
Critical point drying Quorum E3000 £60*
Fix dehydrate CPD sputter £100*
Freeze drying, metal or carbon coating £100*
SEM sample preparation Au/Ir sputter coat £35*
Carbon film coated 400 mesh Cu grid £2 per grid
Holey carbon film Cu 400 mesh grid £3 per grid
Nickel grid (400 square mesh - formvar coated) £3 per grid
Glow discharge run £15 per run*

 * Sample preparation services are run in batches. The number of samples per run/batch are detailed below. Please note we cannot perform services at lower charges for smaller number of samples as the time and steps required are the same.

  • Osmication and embedding - 6 samples per order.
  • Critical point drying - Between 6 (medium samples 0.5x1x1cm) or 13 (small 0.5x0.5x0.5cm) samples.
  • Freeze drying -  6 to 8 samples per run depending on sample size.
  • Sputter coat - up to 8-10 samples depending on SEM stub size.

Please contact  for advice and consulting service for EM experiments.

All requests for services must be accompanied with an appropriate active grant number, cost-centre or Purchase Order entered through our booking system, PPMS. Charges do not include VAT.


External and industry user charges

The above charges are for internal usage - please contact us for a quote for external work.