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Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre



Complementing the advanced imaging techniques developed and/or implemented in the centre, CAIC aims to provide expertise for image analysis solutions.

Contact: Dr. Leila Muresan  ().



Computational microscopy in Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre EP/R025398/1 

  • The project's main aim is to set up a research infrastructure for sustainable computational microscopy in (CAIC). 
  • Since 2018 the project hosted six students in the framework of the Mathematics Research Placement programme 

Bio-image processing at exascale EP/Y008715/1 

  • The aim of the project is to streamline the exploitation of the Cambridge Data Accelerator testbed by the biological community, unlocking the potential of cutting edge high performance computing for the analysis of large microscopy image dataset, with special focus on lightsheet imaging. 
    While the lightsheet technique is at the high end of the data size spectrum, and the required pre-processing steps are quite specific to the technique, the data management and downstream analysis can be easily extended to a broad range of different microscopy techniques (confocal, two-photon, spinning disk etc.)
  • Events: Image Reconstruction at Scale: Challenges and Collaboration | Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre